
Migraine Relief from Dentist

migraine relief from dentistMiami and Coral Gables, FL

Migraine sufferers know all too well the pain that these headaches, as well as the disruption to daily life, can cause when a migraine headache occurs.

What causes migraine headaches? They can be triggered by a variety of factors. One of the most overlooked migraine causes is a cranial-dental imbalance.

If the cranial bones and sutures become distorted, then pressure changes lead to migraine pain, as well as other symptoms such as nausea or vomiting. These pressure changes can occur from an arriving weather front or when ascending or descending in an airplane.

A qualified neuromuscular dentist can diagnose dental cranial distortions by examining four indicators, to palpate the skull, and evaluate whether teeth contact worsens cranial strain. If contact does increase the distortion, then there is a high likelihood that this cranial distortion is causing migraine headaches.

Crooked teeth or misalignment of the jaw also can cause cranial distortion. This misalignment creates an abnormal amount of tension within the dural membranes in the skull.

Issues with the bite or jaw also can affect the temporomandibular joint and create headaches of migraine-like intensity. This phenomenon occurs because of the proximity of the temporomandibular joint and the trigeminal nerve, which is one of the most active neural pathways in the body.

For patients with cranial distortion who suffer from migraines, the headaches will not go away until the tension within the dural membrane system is removed.

Typical treatment involves the use of an oral appliance followed by Controlled Arch Braces, which can correct the strain patterns in the skull by addressing issues such as a lack of arch length, tooth crowding or a misaligned bite or jaw. Not only does oral appliance therapy typically resolve migraine headaches caused by cranial distortion, but these results are also achieved through a non-invasive procedure.

At Miami Designer Smiles, our dentists have the neuromuscular expertise to diagnose migraine headaches caused by cranial distortion or alignment issues with the bite and jaw. If you are suffering from migraines and have yet to find relief, call our office at (305) 595-4616 to schedule an appointment.

Miami Designer Smiles is here to serve patients in the areas of Miami and Coral Gables, Florida.