Have you ever heard the phrase “tongue-tied”?
While the term is used commonly to describe a situation in which someone stumbles over words or is left speechless, being tongue-tied is actually a physical condition that can impair speech and other normal oral functions and even contribute to chronic health problems.
What Is Tongue-Tie?
Tongue-tie is a medical condition called ankyloglossia that develops when the frenum, the band of tissue under the tongue, is too short or tight. When this occurs, the tongue is restricted in movement. Restriction in tongue movement can contribute to problems with breastfeeding, speaking, eating, breathing and digesting food, and can lead to tooth decay and gum disease.
Other areas that can be affected by frenums that are too tight or short include the area behind the upper lip in front of the top front teeth (lip-tie) and the cheek (cheek-tie).