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Make your Face Look Years Younger Without Going Under the Knife

look younger without going under the knifeMiami and Coral Gables, FL

As people age, they can become dissatisfied with the changes in their facial appearance. Thanks to advances in the techniques and technologies that are employed, your Miami cosmetic dentist can make you look years younger without having to undergo a major surgery like a facelift.

Reverse time with cosmetic dentistry

How is this possible? Cosmetic dentists can use restorations and other treatments to rebuild your smile. Not only will the result be teeth that look great and typically function at a higher level, but restoring your smile and bite also will prevent a collapsed jaw and the “sunken-in” facial appearance that is commonplace among many people as they age, especially those who have lost permanent teeth.

Using dental restorations to achieve a younger-looking appearance can be advantageous to other options, such as a facelift. For one, a facelift is a major surgical operation with a significant recovery time. You may not be able to take off enough time from school or work to recover from a facelift. Or, maybe you have a pre-existing condition that does not make surgery a viable choice.

Many patients today are hesitant to undergo a facelift, which has led to the popularity of non-surgical facelifts, procedures touted to achieve the same aesthetic goals. However, tread lightly when considering these new non-surgical alternatives; many of them have not completed a clinical trial period, creating significant uncertainty as to whether such techniques actually accomplish what they claim to do, while also making it somewhat unknown whether the procedures are fully safe for patients. Such clinical trials are vital, especially to determine any adverse side effects that may develop.

Meanwhile, your Miami cosmetic dentist operating at the forefront of the field can improve your overall appearance with treatments targeted to improve the aesthetics of your teeth and mouth. In turn, you can have a more youthful look and fewer wrinkles. Using state-of-the-art technology and the latest techniques at the cutting edge of dental science, Miami Designer Smiles can rebuild your facial structure from the inside out, resolving aesthetic concerns such as:

  • Lips that are thin, compressed, or wrinkled
  • Jowls that are sagging
  • Diminish creases between your chin and lower lip

Dental restorations are used to achieve these results. This could entail crowns and inlay/onlays to restore teeth that have been damaged due to injury or decay. To replace lost teeth, a cosmetic dentist may use custom dentures or opt for dental implants, a near-permanent tooth replacement that restores both the crown and the tooth root itself.

If you would like to learn more about how dental procedures can give you a more youthful appearance, you need to be sure to choose the right cosmetic dentist. The ideal cosmetic dental practice for the job will have the combination of experience, training, and an aesthetic mindset to achieve results that are both beautiful and well functioning. You also should consider seeking the services of a cosmetic dentist who has knowledge of neuromuscular dentistry, a dental specialty that focuses on finding the ideal alignment of the bite and jaw.

Cosmetic Dentistry in Miami

At Miami Designer Smiles, we are proud to have cosmetic dentists on staff who trained at the prestigious Las Vegas Institute, considered the finest institution for post-graduate dental training in the continent. The LVI teaches courses in both cosmetic and neuromuscular dentistry, making sure to keep dental practitioners up to speed on all the latest techniques.

Find out how cosmetic dentistry can help you look younger. Call the office of Miami Designer Smiles at (305) 595-4616 to schedule a consultation today.

Miami Designer Smiles is proud to serve patients in Miami and Coral Gables, Florida.