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Why The Increase In Tooth Decay?

increase in tooth decayMiami and Coral Gables, FL

As an adult, you may be well aware of how to practice good oral hygiene, yet why do you still develop cavities? Brushing and flossing daily, as well as routine dental checkups and cleanings should just about take care of it, right? Although good oral hygiene habits certainly contribute to your oral health, it is not the only thing that matters. Nearly 92 percent of adults between the ages of 20 to 64 have had at least one cavity or more in their permanent teeth. Over time, dental hygiene has improved, so why is there still an increase in tooth decay? The answer is in your diet!

What we eat affects our oral health. It is no surprise that sugar has devastating effects on teeth, but other foods and beverages you consume could be to blame for your tooth decay. Sugar in the mouth attracts bacteria that causes tooth decay. Although you may avoid sodas and candy, did you know milk, coffee drinks, juice, fruit, and even crackers are harmful to your teeth? These foods and beverages break down into simple sugars, known as lactose and fructose, and attract bad bacteria in the mouth. Although eating some of these things is good for your health, doing so excessively may be bad for your teeth. Most people tend only to brush twice a day, meaning these sugars accumulate throughout the day while you eat and remain until you brush before bed.

A solution to this dilemma is to limit your intake of these types of foods and beverages. If you must snack during the day, be sure to brush your teeth afterward. At the very least, drink water to rinse the sugars out of your mouth. It is also better for your teeth if you sip on water instead of juice throughout the day.

For more information on healthy oral hygiene habits, contact Miami Designer Smiles. We welcome patients from Miami and Coral Gables, FL. Not only can we help educate you on practicing good oral hygiene, but we also provide professional dental cleanings, checkups, and treatments for your dental care needs.