
Grin and ‘Bare’ It?

Can your gums be too … prominent? Yes, as a matter of fact, they can. A gummy smile is one that shows too much of your gum line, and it can be a source of self-consciousness and insecurity for many individuals. But are you stuck with your gummy smile?

No! We can help treat your gummy smile through a laser procedure to give you a smile you can be proud of.

Excess Gum Tissue

What causes excess gum tissue? It’s usually caused by genetics or the environment. If you have an overbite, it could cause your teeth to rub against each other when you talk or chew food. This rubbing action causes the soft tissues between your teeth to become inflamed and swell up. The swelling may eventually lead to gum recession. In addition, if you have a deep bite, this can also contribute to excessive gum tissue.

Other causes can include:

  • Jaw development problems
  • A short upper lip
  • A hyperactive upper lip, which means the upper lip muscles are more developed than the lower lip muscles
  • An underdeveloped jawbone
  • Smoking
  • Poor oral hygiene
  • Infection
  • Gum disease

The Impact of Excess Gum Tissue

Excess gum tissue can make your upper teeth look too shorter than they actually are, which can make your smile look less appealing. You may feel embarrassed about having a large amount of gum showing because it makes you appear older than you really are or makes people think your smile is unhealthy. And you may find yourself constantly worrying about how others perceive your appearance.

Gum Disease and Excess Gum Tissue

If you notice any changes in the coloration of your gums, see your dentist right away. These changes may indicate gum disease, which can cause your gums to turn red and bleed easily. If you experience bleeding from your gums, you should schedule an appointment with your dentist immediately.

You might not even realize that your gums are swollen until you notice them while brushing or flossing. Then, you may notice bleeding or soreness when you’re performing these actions. Generally, these symptoms are signs of the first stage of gum disease, known as gingivitis. Gingivitis is reversible if caught early enough. However, once the infection has progressed into its second phase, periodontal disease, more serious treatment is required.

Periodontal Disease

Periodontal disease is inflammation of the gums and bone around the teeth. When bacteria enter the mouth, they attach themselves to the tooth surface. As time progresses, the bacteria multiply and form plaque, which hardens on the teeth. Over time, the plaque becomes tartar, which can irritate the gums and cause them to recede. Eventually, the gums pull away from the teeth, causing pockets to develop.

When the gums pull away, the teeth begin to shift, creating spaces where bacteria can grow, which can cause infection and affect your teeth.

Treatments to Fix a Gummy Smile

The most common procedure to correct excess gum tissue is known as the traditional gingivectomy, or “gum surgery.” During the procedure, the surgeon removes the excess gum tissue from the affected area. After removing the gum tissue, the doctor will shape the gums so that they don’t protrude from the gum line.

Another option is laser gum therapy.

We offer laser gum treatment to help remove excess gum tissue. During this procedure, we will use a special light beam to gently remove the gum tissue without damaging the underlying bone or tissues around your gums.

This procedure is minimally invasive. We’ll numb your gums so that you don’t feel pain during the procedure. After the procedure, you’ll be able to resume normal activities within 24 hours.

Some other treatments to correct a gummy smile include:

Orthodontic treatment. Orthodontic treatment can be a good option to treat your gummy smile if your excess gum tissue is caused by improper bite alignment.

Porcelain veneers or crowns. Porcelain veneers are thin layers of porcelain that cover the front surfaces of your teeth. They can be used to improve the aesthetics of your smile by making your gum line appear more even. Porcelain crowns can also help even out your gum line.

Who Is a Good Candidate for Laser Gum Therapy?

Good candidates for laser gum therapy are those who have excess gum tissue and want to improve their smiles. It is also ideal for those who want to avoid the tradition gum surgical procedure to remove excess gum tissue.

Can Laser Gum Treatment Be Combined With Other Cosmetic Dental Procedures?

Yes. Many patients choose to combine laser gum treatment with other cosmetic dental procedures such as veneers, crowns or orthodontics.

Are you interested in gummy smile correction? Call us now to schedule your consultation and get the beautiful smile you deserve.