
Migraine Relief from Dentist

Miami and Coral Gables, FL Migraine sufferers know all too well the pain that these headaches, as well as the disruption to daily life, can cause when a [...]

Put an End to your Migraine Headaches

Miami and Coral Gables, FL Nothing can disrupt your daily quality of life like chronic pain. For people with regular migraine headaches, not only is the pain debilitating [...]

How Can I Fix My Bad Bite?

Miami and Coral Gables, FL A bad bite is characterized when your jaw is uneven. Teeth may jet forward, causing an overbite or the lower jaw may excessively [...]

Want a Better Night’s Sleep? Follow These Tips

Miami and Coral Gables, FL Sleep is required for optimal health; it allows the brain to restore and rejuvenate. Without quality sleep, you increase your risk of accidents, [...]

Parents, Here’s What you Need to Know About Mouth Breathing

Miami and Coral Gables, FL Have you ever looked at your child and noticed them breathing through their mouth even when they were not sick or congested? If [...]

Can I Eat With Permanent Dentures?

Miami and Coral Gables, FL If you are a denture wearer, you probably deal with loose fitting dentures, which makes eating and speaking difficult. When deciding whether to [...]

Nasal Breathing 101

Miami and Coral Gables, FL Breathing, it may seem like something simple, a no-brainer if you will, but it's not. Many people are "mouth breathers," which means they [...]

Bad Habits Start as Babies

Miami and Coral Gables, Florida An orofacial myofunctional disorder (OMD) is a disorder of the muscles and functions of the face and mouth. Originating from insufficient nasal or [...]

What is Causing Your Nagging Headaches?

Miami and Coral Gables, FL Headaches can be a pain in the neck, or head rather. Did you know that a nagging headache could actually be stemming from [...]

What is Causing That Gap Between Your Child’s Front Teeth

Miami and Coral Gables, FL Have you noticed a gap between your child’s upper front teeth? Also known as maxillary midline diastema, an upper lip-tie is present in more [...]